With the completion of the interior remodeling, we are just waiting for three more things to get ready for the soft opening.

Waiting from the nice weather
With nice weather within four continuous days, we have the required temperature 60 °F or above to finish the exterior painting. We can paint the building roofs, the exterior walls, and the parking lots. Checking weekly weather reports to get started soon in the coming weeks.
Waiting from the government inspections
Due to the staff shortage of the local governments, it took a long time to get our building permits. However, we have got almost all the permits now. For now, we are requesting for all the inspections one by one. It strongly depends on the inspections if we are able to have the soft opening soon.
Waiting from the employee trainings
It is great we have almost all the management team ready. Not only they are family, relatives, and friends, but also they are very professional and experienced. For now, we are getting ready to hire and train some part time employees, while we have most hourly position filled from our other sister restaurants.